5 Ways to Take Action for Climate Justice



Feeling God’s presence in the majesty and wonder of our natural world draws us to live our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. Beginning on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi in October, Pope Francis invited members of the global Church to join him in praying for our common home for 40 days, ending on November 14 (World Day of Prayer for the Poor). 

People of faith around the world are called to gather, reflect, and demand action on climate justice. The need for change is critical and urgent. The impacts on the poor and marginalized are disproportionate and dire, but no one is immune. The time to act is NOW!




  1. Become a Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL) Climate Justice Household.

  2. Add your name to the MNIPL Faith Sign on Letter, urging global leaders to put climate change and climate justice at the forefront.

  3. Add your name to Catholic Climate Covenant’s petitionurging U.S. leaders to create climate solutions to care for present and future generations and our common home. This effort seeks to move the needle of the nation’s moral compass toward the bold and ambitious solutions the nation and world need to address the climate crisis.

  4. Join our parish's Care for Creation Ministry, which looks at opportunities in our parish and in our community for education, awareness, and action. We meet virtually the second Tuesday of the month (September to June) at 7 pm. Contact chair, Judy Plante, at to be added to the email notification list.

  5. Read this story about the ways one family made their home and lifestyle more sustainable after reading and becoming inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si.


About Sabrina Garbutt

Sabrina has been a STM parishioner since 2010 and has volunteered as a liturgical minister, a member and chair of the Worship committee, member of the Liturgy Core team, Marriage mentor, member of the Prayer shawl ministry, and a school tutor. As a gardening and home improvement enthusiast, she seeks ecologically sustainable practices, both small and large.

We are always looking for ways to give you, our parishioners, the opportunity to share your experiences! If you would like to submit your story, please email Anzley at



